Le directeur principal de la cybersécurité de Hikvision sur les problèmes de sécurité actuels : Microsoft décourage l'utilisation de l’AMF par SMS et de la voix, ainsi qu'une nouvelle attaque de smishing mobile

décembre 8, 2020

Hikvision HikWire blog article Chuck Davis Trending Security Concerns: Microsoft Discourages Use of SMS and Voice MFA

Dans le blogue HikWire d’aujourd’hui, Chuck Davis, directeur principal de la cybersécurité chez Hikvision, décrit les tendances en matière de sécurité. Il se concentre sur une recommandation récente de Microsoft qui décourage l’utilisation des SMS et l’authentification multifacteur (AMF) par la voix. Et, il couvre une nouvelle attaque de smishing mobile.

Microsoft décourage l'utilisation de l'AMF par SMS et de la voix 

L’AMF, également appelée authentification à deux facteurs (2FA), est utilisée pour mieux sécuriser les comptes d'utilisateurs contre les attaques de mot de passe. L'authentification multifacteur ajoute au moins deux éléments de preuve ou facteurs vérifiables au processus d'authentification pour réduire considérablement les problèmes de sécurité en réduisant les chances d'accès à un compte par la mauvaise personne.

Cette semaine, Alex Weinert de Microsoft a écrit dans son blogue : ‘‘Aujourd'hui, je veux faire ce que je peux pour vous convaincre qu'il est temps de commencer à vous éloigner des mécanismes d'authentification multi-facteurs (AMF) par SMS et vocaux. Ces mécanismes sont basés sur des réseaux téléphoniques commutés publiquement (PSTN), et je pense qu'ils sont les moins sûrs des méthodes AMF disponibles aujourd'hui.’’

Il s'agit d'un appel aux sites Web et aux applications pour qu'ils éliminent progressivement l’AMF par SMS au profit d'options plus puissantes telles qu'une application d'authentification pour téléphone intelligent. C'est également un appel aux utilisateurs finaux pour qu'ils choisissent des méthodes d'authentification multifacteur plus fortes lorsqu'elles sont disponibles.

Les faiblesses de l’AMF par SMS sont connues depuis longtemps. Il y a eu de nombreuses conférences sur la cybersécurité sur le sujet et Krebs On Security a rapporté dans l'article de 2016, “The Limits of SMS for 2-Factor Authentication.”

Bien que le SMS soit sans doute la forme la plus faible d’AMF, c'est toujours mieux que d'utiliser simplement un nom d'utilisateur et un mot de passe. Bitdefender a écrit: ‘‘Même une AMF basée sur SMS vulnérable est meilleure que pas d’AMF du tout.’’

Attaque de smishing de paiement mobile

Nous avons expliqué les attaques de smishing dans ce blogue HikWire. Les attaques de smishing (hameçonnage par SMS) sont en augmentation et nous sommes tous des cibles vulnérables.

Le terme smishing est un mot qui combine le terme SMS (messagerie texte) et le mot phishing (hameçonnage) : SMS + phishing = smishing. Comme vous l'avez peut-être deviné, le smishing est un hameçonnage qui utilise des SMS et des types de messagerie texte similaires.

Selon Naked Security, l'une des dernières campagnes de smishing permet aux attaquants d'envoyer un SMS aux victimes, prétendant provenir de l'opérateur mobile de la victime. Le message indique : "Nous n'avons pas reçu votre paiement de facture récent, veuillez mettre à jour vos informations via ce lien [URL malveillante] pour éviter des frais supplémentaires."

Si la victime clique sur le lien, un écran de connexion lui est présenté qui tente d'inciter la victime à fournir involontairement ses informations de connexion à l'attaquant.

Pour en savoir plus sur le smishing, lisez cet article sur Hikvision.

Pour plus d'informations sur ces types de problèmes de sécurité, consultez la liste complète de blogues sur la cybersécurité de Hikvision.

IMPORTANT! Ce modèle nécessite un logiciel non standard. N'installez pas de logiciel standard (par exemple, v.4.1.xx) sur ce modèle. Cela endommagerait définitivement votre système. Vous devez utiliser le logiciel personnalisé v.4.1.25 à partir de la page du produit iDS-9632NXI-I8/16S

View the most updated version of this document here:



The I-series NVR (such as the DS-7716NI-I4) is one of Hikvision's most popular and feature-rich recorders. As such, many firmware revisions have been introduced over the years to continually ensure the product is compatible with the newest technology available. Due to the many revisions, we recommend that the user closely follows the instructions below in order to reduce the amount of time spent as well as the chance of failure.


Database Optimization and Repair

As more affordable IP cameras are introduced over time with greater video resolution and data sizes, more efficient database management also becomes necessary. The introduction of firmware v4.0 brought about a new database architecture in order to be futureproof.


After upgrading to v4.X, the recorder database will need to be converted and optimized. If you are experiencing issues where playback is expected but not found, make sure "Database Repair" is performed as indicated in the procedures and scenarios below.


Preparing the Upgrade

Before proceeding with upgrade, it is recommended that NVR configuration file is exported from the NVR over the network or on to a local USB drive.


Upgrading from v3.4.92 build 170518 or Older

  1. All recorders must reach v3.4.92 before proceeding further. Upgrading from versions before v3.4.92 directly to any version of v4.X will likely cause the recorder to fail.
  2. If the recorder is already at v3.4.92, a full factory default is highly recommended before upgrading to any version of v4.X. There is a high chance of unit failure (requiring RMA) if the unit is not defaulted before upgrade.
  3. After reaching v3.4.92 and performing a full factory default, an upgrade directly to v4.50.00 is acceptable.
  4. After the upgrade is completed and the recorder is reprogrammed, it may be beneficial to perform a Database Repair. For details, refer to the section "Database Optimization and Repair" above.
  5. To verify repair progress, you may refer to the HDD status, or search the recorder log for repair started and stopped entries. Note that while the HDD is repairing, new recordings are still being made, but some existing recordings may not be searchable until repair is complete.
  6. If you continue to observe playback issues after database repair, ensure there are no power, network, or motion detection issues. Should the problem persist, contact technical support.


Upgrading from Any v4.X Build to v4.50.00.

  1. Any v4.X build can be upgraded directly to v4.50.00.
  2. Export configuration is highly recommended before performing the upgrade.
  3. If upgrading from any v4.X version that was not v4.22.005, a Database Repair is recommended. Refer to Step 4 and onwards in the previous section.



Downgrading is not recommended. Due to new features and parameters constantly being added, downgrading may cause the NVR to factory default itself or require a manual default to operate properly.

View the most updated version of this document here:
K-Series DVR upgrade instruction
The Turbo 4 Hybrid DVR K series has multiple models and across different platform and chipset. It also has similar firmware development of other recording product line; DVR K series has also introduced the GUI4.0 to ensure the series to be compatible to the newest technology available. The new database architecture is also brought into the DVR firmware v4.0 to be future proof and for better recording search experience. 

Database Optimization and Repair

As more affordable cameras introduced over time with greater video resolution and data sizes, more efficient database management also becomes necessary. The introduction of firmware v4.0 brought about a new database architecture in order to be futureproof.
After upgrading to v4.X, the recorder database will need to be converted and optimize. If you are experiencing issues, where playback is expected but not found, please make sure to perform "Database Rebuild" as indicated in the procedures and scenarios below.

Preparing the Upgrade

Before proceeding with upgrade, it is recommend exporting DVR configuration file from the DVR over the network or on to a local USB drive.


Action after firmware upgraded 

1. Upgrade the DVR according to the chart above. 

2. Reconfirming Channel's Recording Schedule 

    - Confirm channel's recording schedule is enable. 

    - Check if the channel is on correct recording schedule.

3. Double Check Storage Setting

    - Make sure all channel are assigned to record on its HDD group when the Storage setting is under Group Mode. 

4. Perform Database Rebuild locally. 

    • Some version above support Database Rebuild via web access - K51 and K72

    • Perform Database Rebuild regardless if system is having any database issue symptom. 

    • Database Rebuild process is average ~30 to 60min per TB. The process may still varies depends recording data.

    • After Database Rebuild - Check log to confirm Database Rebuild has went thru properly. 

    • If Database Rebuild Started and Stopped log has been log only within few minutes. Database rebuild may not has been completed properly. It is strongly recommend performing the Database Rebuild again.

    • To check log > System > Log > Information > Database Rebuild Started and Stopped.

    • If the log option is not available - access system via SSH can also obtain similar result.

5. Recording Data is still missing after database rebuild process. 

If the data has not been recorded or has been overwritten, Database rebuild process is not able retrieve those lost data. Have the system upgraded to the latest available firmware version above to prevent any future data lost is strongly recommended for all application.





In light of the global semiconductor shortage, Hikvision has made some hardware changes to the DS-76xxNI-Q1(2)/P NVRs, also known as “Q series.”


These changes do not have any effect on the performance, specifications, or the user interface of the NVRs. For the ease of reference, these modified units are known as “C-Version” units. This is clearly indicated on the NVR label and on the box by the serial number.


The only difference between the “C-Version” and “non-C-Version” is the firmware. The firmware is not interchangeable:


  • The C-Version NVRs must use firmware version v4.31.102 or higher.
  • The non-C-Version (Q series) NVRs must use firmware version v4.30.085 or older.


Please do not be alarmed if a “Firmware Mismatch” message pops up on the screen during the firmware upgrade. This simply means that the firmware does not match the NVR’s hardware. Simply download the correct firmware and the upgrade will go through without any issue.

In light of the global semiconductor shortage, Hikvision has made some hardware changes to the Value Express Series NVRs

These changes do not have any effect on the performance and specification of the recorders. For ease of reference, these modified units are known as “C-Version” units. This is clearly indicated on the NVR label and on the box by the serial number.

The only difference between the “C-Version” and “non-C-Version” is the firmware. The firmware is not interchangeable:

  • The C-Version NVRs must use firmware version v4.30.216 or higher.
  • The non-C-Version (Q series) NVRs must use firmware version v3.4.104 or older.

Please do not be alarmed if a “Firmware Mismatch” message pops up on the screen during the firmware upgrade. This simply means that the firmware does not match the NVR’s hardware. Simply download the correct firmware and the upgrade will go through without any issue.

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