Reducing Security Concerns by Merging Physical Security with Cybersecurity
Hikvision Discusses Preparing for Security Breach
The Security magazine article, “Physical and Cyber Convergence—At Last?” addresses challenges that prevent the security industry from fully adopting cybersecurity to reduce security concerns.
“Based on our experiences with some of the world’s leading companies and a wide range of security system users in a variety of industries, we can say categorically that convergence is accelerating, but with severe challenges brought about by the nature of cyber threats. Physical security technology silos are rapidly being connected and integrated with corporate IT, not only for the transport of video data, but also to improve the management of video and access control systems themselves. Convergence on cyber issues is also happening, but more slowly than for physical security systems because there are significant differences in cybersecurity and cyber-hygiene for physical security systems versus traditional computer and consumer device security,” according to the article.
Supporting Effective Cybersecurity
To establish effective cybersecurity, a new approach to implementing technical solutions and establishing organizational protocols is needed. Large amounts of stored and transmitted data must remain safe from “hackers, technical or human errors,” and the article recommends the application of automated systems to achieve effectiveness. One example of a procedure to automate is service assurance, which the article said “addresses the need to ensure that the necessary security systems, including surveillance video, access control records and cyber-breach detection maintain the highest possible uptime, regardless of the specific devices used, their age or what software applications are running on them.”
To achieve convergence of physical security systems with cybersecurity, solutions have to be applicable across various company sizes, too. Small and mid-sized organizations need to be able to adopt them in order for broad changes in the market to take place.
To read the entire article, visit Security magazine online.
Hikvision Discusses Preparing for Security Breach
Hikvision covered an article in Security Sales & Integration (SSI) in the recent blog post “SSI on Preparing for Security Breach, Developing a Cyber Response Plan to Reduce Security Concerns.” The SSI piece outlined ways to prepare for security breach. From the Hikvision blog: “Companies can reduce risk and respond to potential security breaches by preparing a cyber incident response plan (CIRP). The [SSI] article also recommends that organizations bolster their cybersecurity defenses by reviewing insurance coverage on a regular basis and creating a strategy to minimize business interruptions caused by security breach.”
In the blog, Hikvision’s cybersecurity director Chuck Davis discusses using network segmentation to reduce security concerns. “According to a 2017 study, North Americans have an average of 13 devices per person. That means a family of four has an average of 52 devices on their network. That may seem high, but most Americans don’t realize how much their home network has grown over the past 10 to 15 years, and they don’t realize that all of those “things” are actually computers. All of these devices have a network interface, storage, memory, processors and an operating system. Additionally, they are always connected to the Internet and are rarely patched,” said Davis.
Davis also highlighted the importance of network security for integrators in a recent SDM magazine video clip. Click here to learn more.