SIA Encourages Participation in Cybersecurity Initiatives to Recognize National Cybersecurity Awareness Month
Hikvision Launches Cybersecurity Initiatives, Hosts Series of Blogs for NCSAM
October is National Cybersecurity Awareness Month (NCSAM), a joint effort between the U.S. government and industry designed to improve cybersecurity awareness, and the Security Industry Association (SIA) is encouraging members to engage its cybersecurity initiatives in recognition of NCSAM.
From the article: “The Security Industry Association (SIA) supports National Cybersecurity Awareness Month and encourages members to follow the tenets of responsible connectivity year-round. Specifically, we have developed and partnered with other organizations to provide access to resources that help SIA members incorporate these themes into their overall cybersecurity postures.”
SIA cybersecurity initiatives that members can access include the following:
- SIA Cyber Office Hours: Monthly webinars where member questions are answered by an experienced cybersecurity researcher
- SIA Beginners Guide to Product and System Hardening
- SIA Cybersecurity Advisory Board Enterprise Security Recommendations
- The 2019 Cyber:Secured Forum, which will be held July 29-31, 2019, at the Westin Dallas Park Central in Dallas, Texas. This event will provide a forum for security professionals to exchange information on cyber hardening and other cybersecurity resources.
A soon to be released resource is SIA’s 2018 Wall Street Journal Pro Cybersecurity Benchmarking Study. The partnership between SIA, the Wall Street Journal and third-party research firm, ESI ThoughtLab, will “share benchmarking data and analysis from executives in various customer-facing sectors about how they invest to achieve higher levels of cybersecurity readiness,” according to the SIA.
For more about NCSAM, SIA and its cybersecurity initiatives, click here.
Hikvision also launched a series of cybersecurity initiatives over the last year, including a cybersecurity hotline and its Source Code Transparency Center, for which it was lauded by industry publication Security Sales & Integration as being “among the most proactive manufacturers” in the realm of cybersecurity.
Earlier this year, Hikvision’s cybersecurity director, Chuck Davis, was appointed to the SIA’s Cybersecurity Advisory Board.
Hikvision kicked off NCSAM with the blog, “Hikvision Helps To Raise Cybersecurity Awareness During US Government’s National Cybersecurity Awareness Month.” The company will post more blogs this month for NCSAM, providing insights to help secure homes, workplaces and the global Internet at large.